Monday, November 30, 2009

My love..

Love is..
to know and understand even before the other says,
being the other's sky and wings,
letting go and lose gracefully,
truth, being always a mirror of your soul,
Dreams from the past, thoughts from today and hope for the future
A beautiful , never ending pain.
a search from what once thought to be true
to a better, sweeter truth that cant be possessed
And love is also the waiting under the lonely tree of Hope
on the winding road of Life
to be blessed by a forever blossom

these words are just my wayward thoughts jotted d when ever i feel that i need to talk to myself of course, love is much more, beyond definitions but i am trying to understand- Meherin

" Imagine all the people,
living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us,
and the world will be as one "
Women were never talentless .But what they had to face was a tough time expressing it. Even now,some women belong to the cream layer of the social cake while there goes the unfortunate ones with the skewed stars
Trapped in domestic violence, bigamy, traditional prisons and oppressions of every kind, they share the fate of a crushed petal on the footpaths of Life
See the symbols for men and women;

Womanhood is like an eclipsed moon bearing the cross of unshared responsibilities, ungiven support and unexpressed dreams.
The men are always like the sun with an aim. They have the institutions of life revolving around them. They control them and keep it going .
If they don't shine, well they might not be having battery charge..

Monday, November 23, 2009

On the blind choosing the Deaf..

Our college elections are finally over And as usual, the majority activists won
Opponents' banners are torn down, the gung-hos have toned down but still some questions are roaming the corridors my purpose is to try answer at least a few of them ! What is the purpose of college elections? Why is a college union sought for?

To my politically ignorant mind, the answer seems to be one of empty foolish hope i e to raise young charismatic leadership to lead my country during te democratic recession to instill political wisdom to give leverage to the activities of the college community but what exactly is happening? the tombstone of our college union reads Born on : 4th March,2009 To be dead on : 31st March,2009 if you are keen on checking the blame list well,i must warn that you will have a long one,starting off with the Kerala University ,the dumb political parties,our very own lackadaisical approach !

For whom is this Union formed? i have questions as answers for that one for the Principal? PTA? office people?or for us the unfortunate eklavyas the students? ! Who really wields the control? Well,that has to be a caustic answer No one else but the majority party in the campus to be exact, the unit committee in the college I must say be it any party who is ruling the roost,the result will be the same it is because power addicts Dear old LORD Acton was quite right ! Who votes them to power? We vote them to power.. we the purposefully dumb,deaf,useless bookworms who will one day succeed in gnawing out the remaining dignity of our collective psyche. We the cowards we risk fearing, all 'safe-n-locked up' type idiots Never raise your voice Never join hands in protest ,that is your way to a regular paycheck in the future

YES,ONCE I TOO COMMITTED THE SAME MISTAKE Of betraying my conscience of not listening to my heart of not being true to my deepest values But, i repent,deeply n i am corecting that mistake how many of you dare to join? We need leaders not to impose upon us their age old ideologies,their idea of a whole new world but to integrate us,to lead us in one good purpose it's time to change to change the tradition of the blind choosing the deaf.

To the shameless Complainants..

You complained ;
"We don't have prophets anymore
No writers who can inspire the breath of freedom
And no one with a clear vision"
Answer me; Have you ever dared to step out of the secure patterns
You call life?
To walk one extra mile?
To watch the stars for a passing moment?
To sigh at your lost childhood innocence?
Have you ever,ever pained once for Humanity's lost sheep?
Then where's the right to complain?
Better leave the cliches and Try to live ..

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