You can set fire to our souls
But the flames shall scorch
Your indolent thrones
You can chain our clenched fists
But it won't hold
For many more will rise
You can silence our quest for freedom
But you can't erase the dream
Yes,oh yes,all the tombs shall crack
And men will break free from
the servile prisons of their disillusioned minds
A dawn shall come,reddened by our blood
The day of your judgment,where your
Fallacies shall pay
Kill us,chain us or set us afire
Only we die,the voices shall stay.
sorry da princess,
this is just a transliteration of the communist songs we (me)are familiar with and forgotten !
let no tomb crack open and ugly skeletons burst forth.
leave those corpses "peacefully DEAD"!
may be.. i accept the criticism.but i assure you,there was no copying:) at least that's there to feel good about.as for the tombs cracking,some day it should happen.it should.can't let even my children to live in the same anarchist hell..am glad you cared to be honest.that's not something i have the luck to experience always.bless you.
Kill us,chain us or set us afire
Only we die,the voices shall stay.
oh... never! doppel,
that was not a criticism at all!
just my thoughts on what you wrote.
i was once fierce in my convictions
about the inevitable social change.
alas!the grey hairs on my beard has
witnessed an unmistakable truth.( i left the country in utter disgust,even before you were born princess.)Nevertheless, I must admit that its soothing to my troubled soul that some of you young blood feel deeply about social issues!... march on girl! and be prepared to be sidelined and ridiculed by the collective selfishness of moral bigots.
one more thing. I do not think an original and honest thinker like you need to copy anything! similar slogans... thats all I meant. I'm sure you will understand. keep up the fight so may be your children will have a better planet to live on! keep the flame of that dream alive ! Goodluck my dear.
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