I want to believe
it's not happening to me
But it's true
When's the last you forgot
To smile at me?
When's the last you chose to
Ignore my pain filled eyes?
Since when have you asked me
to be strong,to paste a laugh
cut the emotional crap
and do my own things..
And when did your freedom looked
different from mine?
Which was the night
I cried myself to sleep
The morning when i chose to
Act as if nothing has happened
It was then,you stopped loving me and
Began to accommodate my life
And my soul lost another moonbeam.
Now,I want to believe
It was all a dream
No,I have woken up
And it's still not going away.
hi meher,
found some time to come back here?
that too with a painfully beautiful poem!
someone has stopped loving me and has started to accommodate my life.... BUT... HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT my dear girl?.... you are beginning to frighten me a bit.
thanQ for giving letter shapes to my mind.
your poem soothes me like a lullaby.
found another soul to pain you enough to make you write.
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