The day lay in
a pale stupor
like a little boy
pale with the plague
but the dusk
...stepped in
vermilion dreams
night followed,
with a hookah full of
and I lay down on the
velvet sky,picking little
smoking away into
the abstract sky
only to come out of
the other end of
image credit:Nini terves Lapuz(http://niniteveslapuz.com)
അപാരതീരങ്ങളിൽ സ്വയം നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടൊരു മനസ്സ് പുകമറ നീക്കി മെല്ലെ മെല്ലെ വെളിവാകും പോലെ.
hey babes,
did you actually smoke hashish?
if you did... hats off to you .
these days, its all about 'smoke 'n mirrors' :-)
anyways, finding a monument of thought, through the smoke screen is only achieved by a beautiful mind."donning vermilion dreams"... I LIKED IT. its original .
goodluck princess.
ഓ ഇതിംഗ്ലീഷാണല്ലോ.....സോറി വന്നു കേറിയതിന്
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