Senses arise,exalt
In a deep psychedelic trance
Love,blinds ..brings darkness
That lights up my soul
My mind croons a dark song
Draws blood,draws an evil pattern
In my eyes,sensual and bewitching
I know not how.
Lust burns, burns deep into my heart
Takes it to hell
And throws the empty shell
I wish I die.
Death touch,give Life to what i killed
To empty feelings, which slept
Waited long to
Avenge them on me.
Ecstasy dance, my bearings lost
I wander inside my own dreams
Touch burns,Breath burns
Yet i dive into that
Sea of live coals.
Dawn breaks, darkness sucked in
I'm sane
And the pain strikes
I courted it
And it came.
pain is the eternal truth!
pain only loves you, without demanding anything in return !
Pain is omnipresent, omniscient...
Pain is Love!
So.. By the theory of relativity, Pain is.... GOD!
Pain is not bad as everybody want us to think..people hesitate to fall in love..because they know they have to fall..from their egoistic heights to really love the other person.And they are scared to be stripped of their masks, their power plays.
But those who fall..they sure get pained but that pain refines them..makes them more tune in with this world..i love that pain..it's true, i court it.
Couldn't agree with you MORE !
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